
Location: Home > Departments

Urological Surgery

Person in charge: Ye Chunhua

Tel.: 0571-88308038 (Outpatient) 0571-88303625 (Ward)

Location:Outpatient: 3F, Outpatient Building; Inpatient: 3F, Building 6

Number of beds:29


The department has 9 physicians, including 4 with deputy senior professional titles and above, and exhibits a strong technical strength with advanced medical equipment. It can independently undertake diagnosis and treatment of various diseases in urology and especially has rich clinical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of various difficult and critical cases.

Academic status:

The department is permitted to admit postgraduate students in L2 disciplines and currently has six postgraduate students. It has undertaken clinical practices of many domestic medical colleges (e.g., Hangzhou Normal University School of Medicine) and standardized training for resident physicians of Hangzhou Health and Family Planning Commission.