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ECG/EEG Department

Person in charge: Ding Yaying

Tel.: 88303563 (ECG), 88303541 (EEG)

Location:6F, Outpatient Building


The department has 1 Associate Chief Physician, 1 associate professor, 2 Attending Physicians, and 2 Resident Physicians. The department undertakes various ECG examinations of the whole hospital and the Gongshu District Community Health Service Center.

Diagnosis and treatment scope:

Routine ECG; drug stress ECG test (atropine test, propranolol test); heart rate variation analysis; ventricular late potential examination; treadmill test; 24-72 h Holter ECG; sleep apnea screening; 24 h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring; 24 h Holter ECG and ambulatory blood pressure synchronous monitoring; non-invasive and static cardiac output measurement.

Academic status:

Standardized ECG training base for Resident Physicians in Hangzhou Municipal Health Commission, and internship base for graduates of clinical medicine specialty from Hangzhou Normal University, Dalian Medical University, and Wenzhou Medical University